-Why should I use your consulting company?
Many of today's consultants in the plumbing, HVAC, electrical service business have little or no experience in businesses as small as one man shops to businesses as large as 225 employees. Dan has personally operated service businesses as small as one man shops to as large as 225 employees. He has been there and is familiar with what you face each day.
-How long does the process take?
I have worked with contractors for just a few hours to some who decide that having Dan as a part-time part of the "team" for several years because of the value he adds to the business.
-What does it cost to have you work with us?
Without an evaluation of your business needs that is impossible to determine. The initial meeting and evaluation are free so you do not have any obligation if Bec Group and your company are not a good match and if I don't satisfy your needs, I will work for free until I do!.
-Who have you worked with and what has your success been?
Contact us and we will connect you with some of our clients who you can speak to directly.
Contact us today to set up your initial consultation.